Acceso Aeropuerto

Acceso Aeropuerto


 Name : Acceso Aeropuerto

 Country : Spain

 City : Barcelona

 Year : 2017

 Diameter : ɸ12,00m

 Construction Company : Sacyr, Ferrovial

New rail access to T1 of the Barcelona-El Prat airport

At the end of 2018, the tunnel that ends the connection tunnel of the R2 Cercanías line with Terminal 1 of the Barcelona Airport – El Prat was carried out.

The Project consisted of the railway connection to Barcelona’s Prat del Llobregat airport, with a total length of 4,495 metres, of which 3,385 meters are underground, and of these 3,048 meters are carried out using a TBM. The tunnel is excavated with an EPB type tunnel boring machine, with an earth pressure shield at the front, which has an excavation diameter of 10.60 meters and an internal diameter of 9.60 m.

The « Gala » TBM, 10.6 meters in diameter, has crossed both Terminal 2 and the main runway of the airport, the two most relevant points due to their uniqueness.

TNL18 has been involved in this Project from the beginning to the end, advising the JV to get the best soil treatment. Most of the drive consisted of sandy clay, which was very well treated with ACTISOYL 100 foaming agent and ACTI+ WW polymer.

Product Used
Foaming agent
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